Module Index

Power BI

Prospero KPI Agent


Prospero Software Power BI integration to FreeAgent


Please get in touch if you are interested in this product.


Power BI Pro - Prospero can help you purchase this


Prospero KPI Agent

Screen shots


Dashboard - see your company at a glance

Click-through to the detail


View sales

Sales Tree Map

Check client concentration

Decomposition Tree

Query your way

Some of the features

Area Report
Sales By customer, project and time
Cross Sell
Sales tree map by customer
Sales decomposition chart
Bills By supplier and time
Payments Client payment KPI
Accounts Profit and Loss by Co Year


Accelerate Agency

I hired Stephen through his company Prospero Software, to help improve our Financial Forecasting and extend features in our Finance Software package FreeAgent.

He was able to produce a Power BI App that far exceeded my expectations. It answers my key business questions on profitability & margins, highlighted data discrepancies, and helps refine and improve how our company operated.

Also, I was amazed at how quickly we received new features, he`s a machine!

I can’t thank Stephen enough for the work that he did for us - he`s made a real difference to our company.

Phil Pearce
May 20, 2020